NAET Allergy Treatments - Why the BASIC 15 first?

NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique) is a way to eliminate allergies, body imbalances, food sensitivities, or intolerances without the use of drugs or needles. It can be a fantastic treatment option to alleviate many symptoms for babies, pregnant women or adults of all ages. When a patient comes in for a consult we discuss thoroughly the current symptoms as well as obtain a health history including common foods, eating habits, sleep, bowel movements, menstrual cycle, mood, skin presentation, and work or home environment for exposure to different toxins.

The first step in testing is to begin with the Basic 15. These are the fifteen foundational groups of allergens that affect a person’s ability to not only survive but, thrive and feel their best.  In the Points 2 Wellness office, we have had wonderful success with patients following the protocol of treating any basics that they react to before moving on to more individual items such as dogs, pollen, or a specific food.  When the body is reacting to a nutrient or substance, it is difficult to absorb and utilize it  properly.  If you repeatedly contact or ingest an item or many items that you are allergic to everyday it can slowly affect your immune system.  In many cases, clients can have mild allergies to many items,  in minute amounts every day, many items from the basic group will slowly affect your immune system.  Over time the different systems such as endocrine (hormones), nervous system, circulatory, or reproductive, will reduce their proper function resulting in illness, infertility, anxiety, depression, ADD, and many other conditions.

Some of the Basic 15 include:

Egg Mix

Starting with egg mix the first foundational basic allergen tested during an initial visit for  NAET includes egg, yolk and the white.  In addition, it includes chicken, tetracycline, a common antibiotic and feathers.  This particular group, if it has a positive reaction on muscle testing, has many important factors.  First, egg allergies are frequently connected with eczema.  Eggs, or parts of them, are a common ingredient in preservatives for vaccines.  Therefore, babies get exposed to eggs much younger with vaccines then when they first start eating eggs. Chicken frequently has antibiotics in it.  This is a substance that we do not consider the exposure when thinking of allergies and various symptoms. 

 Calcium Mix

The calcium mix includes all different forms of calcium, vitamin D, different types of milk including breast milk, and cheese. Surprising too many patients is how many foods contain calcium including: of course all dairy, also leafy greens, brussel sprouts, fruits, nuts, seafood, and eggs. Therefore, if you are reacting or allergic this can affect many aspects of a healthy body including bone formation, movement of muscles, the heart and circulation.

Vitamin C Mix

Vitamin C is another super important basic nutrient.  This is commonly used to help with the immune system - it can’t do its job if there is a  reaction or an allergy  to it.   The Vitamin C mix includes different versions including ascorbic acid, oxalic acid, complementary nutrients and many foods that are high in Vitamin C including fruits and vegetables. For people suffering with hay fever, known pollen allergies, runny nose, watery eyes, and frequent congestion they commonly benefit from this treatment.   Not only are they consuming it daily but, added exposure to vitamin C is also found in trees, grass and weeds.  This nutrient is involved in many functions including growth, development, repair of the body and is beneficial for anti-aging. Therefore if there is a sensitivity or intolerance this can result in many bothersome symptoms.

B Complex Mix

B complex mix is one of my favorites for all the benefits we can gain when we are not reacting to any of the B vitamins and they can work properly in the body.  This includes thiamin (B1), niacin (B3), biotin (B7), cobalamin (B12) and many more as well as choline and inositol.  These nutrients help the nervous system function.  Commonly when someone has a reaction or allergy to this group, symptoms that will improve with treatment include: focus, sleep and mood.  And this group is found in so many foods consumed on a daily basis: fruits and most vegetables, dairy, most animal proteins, eggs, and the plants, trees and weeds. 

These are just a few of the basic 15 foundational NAET treatment groups. After reading the above information, there is likely a symptom or a few that can be related for you or a loved one.  In Points 2 Wellness, the success of so many clients is due to the testing of  this protocol first and treating the ones that have a positive or allergic/sensitive/reactive result. We are happy to answer questions to help with the journey to optimal health. If you live in Weston, Sunrise, Davie, Miami, in the greater South Florida area call us today for your free consultation - Points 2 Wellness (954)389-5507.

Randee Engelhard

Randee Engelhard is a certified, NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) Practitioner, Posture Alignment Specialist certified through Egoscue Institute in addition to being a licensed Physical Therapist. She provides NAET Allergy testing and treating, Posture Alignment Therapy through in person or virtual and physical therapy in person. She specializes in treating chronic symptoms with holistic techniques.

How quickly will I get relief with NAET allergy treatments?


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