What is Posture Therapy, and how does it work?

Posture Therapy as taught by Egoscue Institute® is designed to eliminate chronic pain without drugs or surgery.  Founded by Pete Egoscue, Posture Therapy focuses on a series of gentle stretches and exercises to correct misalignments in the musculoskeletal system of the body.

The core belief behind Posture Therapy is that pain, whether acute or chronic, is the result of misalignment in the body as it loses its correct posture. When the body works with gravity to find realignment through the exercises and postural retraining, comfort will increase and pain will decrease naturally.

How Can Posture Alignment Help Me?

Posture Alignment therapy addresses the postural misalignments such as forward head, rounded shoulders, an elevated shoulder or hip, scoliosis (spinal curvatures).

Benefits of posture alignment include looking taller, feeling healthier, decrease pain and other symptoms. Learning to prepare your body to handle the repetitive nature of a seated computer job or being a full-time student. For children and teens it can help create proper growth of spinal curves or alignment of hips, knees and feet. Posture Alignment can help the athlete improve their performance.

Posture Alignment

What Symptoms Do I Treat?

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My Goal

Pain is a signal – My goal as a therapist is to help you find the cause of your symptoms which may include the following pain, vertigo, headaches, lack of energy, numbness, neuropathy or poor balance.

When the body is off balance our weight distribution is not even left to right and we are not “vertically loaded,” meaning our head isn’t sitting squarely over our shoulders and our hips are not aligned all the way down through the knee and ankle joints. This leads to weight not being evenly distributed on our feet and our feet not pointing straight ahead.

Your symptoms do not dictate a formula for treatment, the symptoms provide insight into your limitations. My primary objective is to remove your structural dysfunction and correct posture which will ultimately improve your pain or symptoms.

Before & After

What to Expect

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Why Should I Get Posture Alignment Therapy aka Egoscue?

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Receive Posture Therapy Anytime, Anywhere.

Posture Alignment Therapy can be received anywhere in the world.  Technology provides the ability to work with clients through Skype/Facetime, use of video analysis and of course pictures. This has proven to be a very effective alternative to in-person visits.

Web-cam therapy is one-on-one specifically designed to address Randee’s client’s postural dysfunctions and compensations that are causing pain.   She can go over the personalized exercise menu with you in addition to the emails from the epete posture software analysis that will be sent as a part of the sessions.  These visits provide feedback in your home or office setting which allows ease of continuing the menu of e-cises at home.

Who Can Benefit From Posture Therapy ?


How Randee Uses the Egoscue Method for Best Results

Randee’s approach for treating each client is individualized. She was initially trained with a Western medicine philosophy, but has learned to see the body as a whole and use a more holistic approach for her clients. She can provide services that are solely Posture Alignment based on her training with Egoscue Institute. She is very comfortable working in this way. Many clients she works with have previously tried physical therapy or chiropractic and do not want to continue using these methods. Some clients are in need of physical therapy due to the acute nature of their condition or are being treated for post surgical. Many clients see a huge success with a combined approach. One of the physical therapy modalities that Randee will combine with posture alignment is Massage and/or Gentle manual therapy mobilization.

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The Origin of Posture Therapy

Pete Egoscue was an active young man who played college football, worked summer jobs doing agricultural labor, and then went onto Marine combat training. He was wounded while serving as a Marine infantry officer in Vietnam in 1969. He was immobilized in a military hospital, and he realized how detrimental being bed ridden can be. During his rehabilitation and recovery Pete studied biomechanics and functional anatomy. He continued this study for decades and has written many books.

At the core of the Egoscue Method is making sure the body has the right kind and amount of motion to stay pain free and healthy. He stands for strong beliefs in the body’s ability to heal itself and maintain health. Pete Egoscue believes in discovering or rediscovering the body’s design and allowing it to work as intended. That is the way to help reverse disabling conditions and prevent them. He believes that “pain is a signal” that is saying something is happening that shouldn’t be.  In addition, pain is also telling us something is not happening that should. Pain can be telling us that we have motion starvation..