Frequently Asked Questions Posture Therapy
What is posture alignment therapy?
Founded by Pete Egoscue in the 70's, Postural Alignment Therapy (PAT) is used to treat pain, both chronic and acute, due to misalignment in the body as it loses its designed posture. The human body is designed to move! However, with most of society becoming more and more sedentary, the body begins to develop musculoskeletal dysfunctions and compensations. When those are present, pain and injury set in or have an increased likelihood of occurring. Posture Alignment Therapy restores the body back to its designed posture, alleviating pain and returning you back to an active, pain free lifestyle.
How does Posture Alignment therapy work?
Designed by Pete Egoscue, the treatment technique uses a series of gentle exercises and stretches to return musculoskeletal balance and symmetry back to your body. It is no secret that muscles move bones. If your body has lost its designed posture, it is because muscles have moved your bones into a new, dysfunctional position. Pain is the body’s way of alerting you to the fact that your body is not aligned, and therefore isn’t moving, properly. Through the process, your muscles will be reeducated, being reminded how they need to be functioning in order to maintain proper alignment.
How Much Does it cost?
Posture Alignment Therapy is an investment. Not only is there a financial investment, but there is also a time investment. Your e-cise menu could take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours to complete. While not all clients will require two hours of therapy daily, some do. Most of our clients who fall under that category are in so much pain they will do their menu daily, regardless of how long it takes.
Financially, we offer different therapy packages and different therapy experiences. You can work face-to-face with a therapist either in-person or via Skype. Others will choose our Online Therapy and simply email your therapist posture photos. For more information on our different options and our pricing structure, please visit our Pricing page.
After talking with your therapist, the two of you can determine which option suits you best, and you will have an idea as to how many visits you might need.
How long will it take for me to see results/feel better?
All of our clients respond differently and on different timelines. That being said, the vast majority of clients feel different after their first visit! The body has an amazing ability to heal itself; you just have to give it a chance. For most of our clients, they didn’t get in to their current position overnight, and they won’t get out of it overnight. Posture Alignment therapy is a process, but one with a remarkable 94% success rate since its inception.
How often do I need to do my exercises?
We ask that you do your exercises, what Pete Egoscue designed as a “menu,” daily. Some clients will need to do their menu more than once per day, but for the majority, once is enough. The therapy is designed to systematically and methodically chip away at your dysfunctions and compensations. We have to remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day! By doing your menu daily, you are giving your body the positive stimuli that it needs, restoring proper alignment, and eliminating pain!
Do I have to do my menu in its entirety?
This is a two-part answer. Yes, you need to do your full menu at least once per day and in the given order. One exercise sets up the next, so sequencing is important. Outside of that time, you can do any exercises that you feel are beneficial for your body. Trust your instincts and do what you feel you need to throughout the rest of your day.
Is it normal to feel sore after doing my menu?
Soreness is normal and can be a good thing. We call this “muscle awakening” and should diminish the more times you do your menu as your muscles adapt and adjust to the new work. Keep in mind that we view soreness different than pain. If you are experiencing true pain be sure to let your therapist know so any necessary menu adjustments can be made.
Is Posture Alignment Therapy covered by my insurance?
For most of our clientele, they are able to use their Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account to pay for Posture Alignment Therapy. You can discuss with your therapist the possibility of using insurance however, most will be out of network. Please go to the contact us page and send a message regarding your specific situation.
How long does it take to finish my therapy?
The program created by Pete Egoscue, has fostered an education-based therapy experience. We will walk with you, step-by-step, through each of your visits. While some clients require several visits, others require just a few visits. Generally speaking, most of our clients need somewhere between 8 and 16 visits to see results. Keep in mind that, for most of our clients, we are working to eliminate structural dysfunctions that have been decades in the making.
Can I still see my chiropractor, physical therapist, massage therapist or other health practitioner while doing Postural Alignment Therapy?
Yes, Posture Alignment Therapy can be used in conjunction with many different healing modalities. That being said, the goal is to return control of your health back to your hands so, ultimately, you aren’t dependent on another person or machine to achieve an optimal state of health. Posture Alignment Therapy “hands off” approach educates you on what you need to do to fix yourself
Is Egoscue different than pilates or yoga?
Simply put, yes. Posture Alignment Therapy is a specifically tailored set of exercises designed to eliminate your structural dysfunctions that are causing your pain. The majority of yoga and Pilates classes are group-based where everyone in the class is asked to do the same exercises, positions, or moves. While certain positions might be easy for one person, they might seem physically impossible for the next. Pete Egoscue created a program that fosters a client-driven therapy experience where you and your therapist work together to develop your exercise menu, taking only what your body is able to functionally give on that day.
Do I need to purchase expensive equipment?
The Egoscue equipment can be purchased on http://www.crookedhuman.com otherwise, the vast majority of our exercises can be performed with items you have laying around your house.
Can I be treated with physical therapy?
You can be treated for standard physical therapy if you are interested. Medicare can be utilized in network. Most PPO’s are out of network. We have no contracts with HMO’s. In Florida, direct access allows physical therapists to see patients without a doctors prescription for 30 day and then would need a doctor referral. We can assist with referrals as needed.