N.A.E.T Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique
What is NAET?
NAET, discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in 1983, is a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to alleviate allergies, sensitivities, intolerances or body imbalances. Kinesiology is used in NAET to compare the strength and weakness of a muscle (also known as neuromuscular sensitivity testing NST) of the body in the presence and absence of any substance. Acupressure is used for the treatment portion followed by short avoidances to help the body reset. No drugs or needles involved!
The substances that you are reacting to, which we call allergies, sensitivities, intolerances or imbalances, result in disruption of homeostasis in the body. The body cannot tolerate being out of balance for extended periods. When the reactions reach a certain threshold symptoms begin. If these imbalances are not addressed then more severe symptoms occur and possibly autoimmune conditions. NAET treatments help to bring the body back into balance and homeostasis.
Starting with the BASIC 15 vital vitamins and nutrients is the traditional practice of this technique. This protocol has been extremely beneficial in the success of many patients from Points 2 Wellness.
What can be treated by NAET:
Food allergies, environmental allergies, chemical allergies, mold toxicity, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, congestion, eczema, dermatitis, abdominal pain and bloating, reflux/GERD, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, reactions from certain viruses, overgrowth of candida, fatigue, sleep disruption, focus, mood, and so much more!
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How Does NAET work?
NAET is a blend of the scientific principles of acupuncture/acupressure, chiropractic, kinesiology, allopathy, and nutrition. NAET testing procedure is kinesiology Muscle Response Testing (MRT) which indicates the energetic imbalance or blockages in the body caused by allergens. The NAET treatment stimulates pressure points on each side next to the spine from the lower neck to the sacrum while the patient is holding the allergen (modifications made for very severe allergy.) For a short period of time (commonly 25 hours) the item is avoided to help in the clearing of the bodies negative response to the allergen. Followed by confirmation with MRT at the end of treatment that there is a strong muscle test to an allergen.
Who can benefit from NAET?
NAET is effectively used to treat all ages from newborn through the lifespan. No drugs or needles involved substances are put into the body making it safe and painless. Specific protocols are followed for treating babies, young children and anyone with severe allergies.