How quickly will I get relief with NAET allergy treatments?

One of the top questions we hear is: How quickly will I get better with NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique)?  This is a hard question to answer, because it is a personalized treatment which can vary person-to-person.   First, it can depend on how many different symptoms a person is experiencing.   Second, what is the severity of the signs and symptoms the patient is experiencing.  Third, which is more unpredictable, is how much are the basic nutrients playing a factor in your symptoms, and what is your general immune system state.

Let's look at some different scenarios when people are addressing allergies, sensitivities, or intolerance. 

If a patient comes in with a complaint of one or two symptoms, likely the symptoms can be alleviated in most cases while working through the Basic 15. However, an example of an exception to this would be: a patient who is reacting to dogs or cats as their primary complaint.  That is because, we always start with treating overall balance and immune system with the Basic 15 treatments, after those are completed, then the specific animal/s and dander can be treated.   

Treating with NAET, is like peeling the layers of an onion.  Even if someone has been suffering for many years and experiences more severe symptoms, the symptoms can start to slowly disappear very quickly, while still having some more layers to-go.  It is quite exciting and relieving when a patient hits the threshold where they feel significant relief!  Which happens frequently when working with many patients utilizing NAET treatments.  An example is a patient who comes in with many symptoms such as acne, migraines, bloating, asthma, rashes, and brain fog.  This will take more treatments to see results because at this point many systems are being affected and lacking a state of homeostasis.  This is in comparison to someone who just has mild acne, or only mild eczema.  As the basic 15 are completed some symptoms will likely start to reduce or disappear.  Then as more reactions such as specific foods, environmentals, chemicals, viruses, bacterias are addressed the overall state of health or conditions really improve.  The results in most cases are life changing! 

Many patients get results with symptoms that they have had for short term and also, the ones they have had for ten to twenty years or even longer! They may have gone through a variety of Western medicine doctors and had troubles finding an answer.  Numerous times being offered medications that result in side effects that can be equally frustrating. 

In summary,  NAET treatments have a variable experience in the speed at which people recover.  The success rate for finding relief is extremely high. In general, the higher quantity and severity of ailments and conditions has the potential to take a little longer in achieving partial relief and potentially more time for complete relief. However, we see equal success with long-term conditions as well as short-term conditions subsiding. Do you want to know if NAET is right for you? Call Points 2 Wellness to set up your FREE consultation today!

Randee Engelhard

Randee Engelhard is a certified, NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) Practitioner, Posture Alignment Specialist certified through Egoscue Institute in addition to being a licensed Physical Therapist. She provides NAET Allergy testing and treating, Posture Alignment Therapy through in person or virtual and physical therapy in person. She specializes in treating chronic symptoms with holistic techniques.

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NAET Allergy Treatments - Why the BASIC 15 first?