Plantar Fasciitis
So what exactly is Plantar Fisciitis? Your foot has thick, fibrous band of tissue that reaches from your heel to your toes. These tissues support the muscles and arch of the foot. When they’re overly stretched, tiny tears can occur in their surface. This can cause pain and inflammation, which are the main symptoms for Plantar Fasciitis.
Through physical therapy we can use modalities to help reduce the inflammation. The big picture is to remember, the body is a single unit, and compensating in one area will negatively impact other areas. It’s inevitable. The knee bone is connected to the thigh bone, after all. There are three arches in our feet: These arches may be high and tight or loose and flat. If your feet are turning in or out, rolling in or out this is all part of alignment that can influence recovery from conditions like plantar fasciitis. Your alignment from joints above influence what is happening down at the feet.
Apart from Plantar Fisciitis being extremely uncomfortable, it’s sometimes very painful. It can affect the way you walk, and in turn how much you walk and do other activities requiring the use of your feet. Our team looks to assuage the pain in facia tissue, and to decrease the level of discomfort overall.
Come down to Realign by Randee in Weston, Fl and experience an overall improved physical, and mental health. We also have classes that focus on posture and alignment, contact us to sign up!