How Can Posture Alignment Therapy Help Prevent or Improve Scoliosis Symptoms in Early Developing Stages?

Who is this for?

Parents with children and pre-teens ages 8-13.

When to consider?

If a doctor or you as the parent suspect a spinal curve is developing in a child, the typical answer is wait and see.  The first diagnosis of scoliosis is a 10 degree curve.  Bracing is not recommended until 25 degrees.

How can Posture Alignment Therapy help?

This wait and see period is an opportune time for Posture alignment therapy to help your child.  Improving posture during the growing period can help develop correct spine curves while the vertebrae turn from more cartilage to bone.

What is the goal?

The goal is to avoid needing to brace or requiring surgery. Parents that experience this stage of using a brace for their child’s scoliosis find it can be difficult and extremely frustrating when the child is going through so many other phases of development and change. Even more challenging is reaching the stage that your child has to go through major surgery to place rods in their spine. Scoliosis is a progressive disease, so any slowing of progression is beneficial.

Why does this time-frame matter?

The electronics and frequent sitting encourage a bent forward position and affect the curves front to back. The academic demands at younger ages results in more sitting as well. The leaning or turning to one side for long periods of time, which follows comfort and habit, allows for the curves that are side to side, lateral, and rotational. The hip muscles don’t have to work as much which provide the support to hold up the spine. The current young generation is partaking in this more passive lifestyle at a younger age when the bones are solidifying.

What does Posture Alignment therapy do?

The exercises, positions and postures from the Egoscue Method help by evening out the shoulders and hips and allow the spine to follow a more balanced path. Secondly, young children today will need to learn about keeping more functional movement patterns for their bodies that their convenient world won’t provide. As technology progresses us, so does our needs for proper self-care 

If you teach your children to brush your teeth everyday why not teach them to take care of their spine. 

Randee Engelhard

Randee Engelhard is a certified, NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) Practitioner, Posture Alignment Specialist certified through Egoscue Institute in addition to being a licensed Physical Therapist. She provides NAET Allergy testing and treating, Posture Alignment Therapy through in person or virtual and physical therapy in person. She specializes in treating chronic symptoms with holistic techniques.

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