Easing the Strain: Steps to Understanding and Alleviating Hip Pain

Are you having hip pain? You may have been told that you have hip arthritis, hip bursitis, hip flexor tendonitis, have a hip labrum tear, hip joint degeneration, referred hip pain from the low back or sacroiliac joint, leg length discrepancy or something else. This can be so frustrating feeling like you can’t walk without pain, work, run, exercise or possibly play the sport you love.

This happened to me and yet here I am writing this blog 10 years later increasing my activity level, working, and never needed any surgery. This particular routine (video below) is from the hip and pelvis chapter of the book Pain Free - A Revolutionary Method for STOPPING CHRONIC PAIN by, Pete Egoscue. it is something that helped me personally. I am a licensed physical therapist and had been practicing for at least 15 years when I was having some hip pain in the front of my hip. I had an x-ray and MRI of my hip and was diagnosed with hip impingement also known as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). There are two types:

  • Cam impingement occurs because the ball-shaped end of the femur (femoral head) is not perfectly round. ...

  • Pincer impingement involves excessive coverage of the femoral head by the acetabulum.

It was brought up that this was congenital, meaning I was born with the problem. Now I had gotten to the age of about 40 years old without having any problems and the pain was only on one side. This didn’t seem to make sense. I went looking for newer ideas of exercises and movements from what I had learned for hip and pelvis during physical therapy school. I quickly found Pete Egoscue books which were not that new, but new to me.

This particular routine gave me some relief! It was a different approach then I was used to. I began studying about posture alignment and what I would call “posture therapy.” I eventually became a Posture Alignment Specialist certified by the Egoscue Institute. I continue to learn and perfect this tool to help people avoid surgery and get their lives back!

The routine of exercises was created to alleviate hip pain by aligning posture (see link below.) If you are looking for the answer and you suspect your body, posture or hip alignment is a factor. Try the hip pain menu on my RealignbyRandee Youtube channel. Check it out.

Randee Engelhard

Randee Engelhard is a certified, NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) Practitioner, Posture Alignment Specialist certified through Egoscue Institute in addition to being a licensed Physical Therapist. She provides NAET Allergy testing and treating, Posture Alignment Therapy through in person or virtual and physical therapy in person. She specializes in treating chronic symptoms with holistic techniques.


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