Inflammation and how it is part of the root cause

Holistic healthcare is a topic that I have been personally invested in for the past five years.  Due to my interest level, I have researched and read many books, articles, internet pages and blogs.  I have identified a multitude of amazing practitioners, working to help people heal and optimize their health.  I have found that the common denominator identified in most of my research has been Inflammation. It is being correlated to many diseases and/or symptoms identified by those suffering from chronic pain.  Today’s blog will focus on the connection of inflammation to chronic pain, ways to naturally decrease inflammation in the body and medical conditions inflammation has been linked to.

As a physical therapist practicing for almost 20 years, I have treated many injuries and chronic conditions in the orthopedic setting. A portion of treatment typically focuses on managing or decreasing inflammation, in order to allow a joint to move without pain more effortlessly.  The body uses inflammation to help heal by bringing in good blood and cells to repair tissue.  When there is too much persistent inflammation, this can become problematic, resulting in the manifestation of more pain.  The suffix -itis by definition is inflammation.  When there is inflammation and pain recovery is lengthier, it may become a chronic condition.  Examples of some of the diagnoses you may have with -itis include: tendonitis, bursitis, synovitis, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

If you are suffering from chronic pain, you may have an injury or condition rooted in inflammation.  The question you might ask is, “What can I do to reduce it besides medication?”  There are many dietary and lifestyle changes to implement in order to help decrease overall inflammation in the body, resulting in decreased pain. Some of those changes are listed below with links to more information:

  • Balancing the Omega’s 3, 6, 9 to improve the ratio by eating more fish, changing the oils you cook with, and supplements. Surprisingly, many of the vegetable oils we frequently eat are high in Omega 6’s and if they are not balanced with the Omega 3’s it creates excessive inflammation.  You can change the oils you use at home to help with the balance.

  • Acid/Base ph balance in the body working to increase alkalinity through food choices – Fruit are the most alkaline foods especially the melons. 

  • Supplements or using foods that have anti-inflammatory properties Turmeric, Curcumin, Ginger, alpha-lipoic acid, fish oil.  Functional medicine practitioners can help determine which are best for your body. 

  • Evaluate the need to remove gluten, dairy and/or sugar from your diet which all have been linked to inflammation. Celiac testing vs gluten intolerance testing, Reactive aspects of dairy include – lactose, casein and whey (you may have a problem with one or all the components)

  • Manage stress levels through meditation or exercise.

  •  Avoiding the main Nightshade Vegetables – White Potatoes, Peppers, Tomatoes, and Eggplant which can lead to inflammation.

  • Food Sensitivity/intolerance blood testing with elimination and reintroduction of foods.  This provides guidance in choosing what to avoid.  You can also carefully do elimination diets on your own.  An important piece is that food sensitivity reactions tend to occur within a few hours to about 4 days making it more difficult to discover then a food allergy that causes hives or an anaphylactic shock.

  • Posture Alignment Therapy based on the Egoscue Principles helps realign the body to bring it closer to its design resulting decreased pain.


With dietary changes, it is important to take the different food philosophies and identify what your body responds to best.  There are many styles: vegan, vegetarian, paleo, fruitarian, elimination diets based on food sensitivities, general inflammatory foods, auto-immune diet and a diet based on the China study, just to name some of them. 

Medical conditions today are typically treated by reducing symptoms.  Some Doctors and other practitioners are focusing more on the why and root cause of these symptoms for example:  headaches, joint pain, muscle pain, high blood pressure, itchy skin, rashes, abdominal pain, elevated blood sugar, fatigue and many others.  Inflammation may be one significant piece of the puzzle as to the root cause of so many chronic diseases.  Our environment and the toxins in it may affect our bodies negatively. There are so many conditions that inflammation causes, including but, not limited to: auto-immune diseases, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, diabetes, gastrointestinal reflux/GERD, colitis, asthma, heart disease, dementia and skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.  The information above can help you decrease the inflammation which may allow you to decrease medication use, decrease symptoms and/or slow the progression of conditions.

Inflammation may not be a buzzword for the teens of today, but it certainly seems to come up in conversation frequently when talking about health or among healthcare professionals.   Life expectancy has gone up but, what about the quality of your life. As I work with clients with physical therapy or through my posture alignment program, it is instrumental to note how other varying factors may be influencing the symptoms you may be experiencing.  Reducing the overall inflammation in your body may help decrease the level of pain and potentially aide with many of the above diseases or symptoms associated with them.   It is about changing the approach of how we treat one’s body as a whole, from the inside out.  As Dr. Mark Hyman states, it is about optimal health.  Start with altering one thing in your lifestyle today.

 Other Resources:

Randee Engelhard

Randee Engelhard is a certified, NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) Practitioner, Posture Alignment Specialist certified through Egoscue Institute in addition to being a licensed Physical Therapist. She provides NAET Allergy testing and treating, Posture Alignment Therapy through in person or virtual and physical therapy in person. She specializes in treating chronic symptoms with holistic techniques.

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Part II • How do I know if my back pain symptoms are coming from the Sacroiliac joint dysfunction?